The best browser gamesfor all Age Groups

Hey fellas, how are you all doing? Bored from your same online Browser RPGgames that you keep switching between every now and then? Looking forward to add some new games to your collection? Well, here is good news; we are going to talk about the Best Browser Games(or at least that is what most of the gamers are saying) to provide you with more options to choose from. So, take a deep breath and let`s see what are the things we have here.

  • South Park: The Stick Of Truth:

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Obsidian took a quite remarkable risk by developing such a game. Come on, like seriously, a game that is based on an animated television show? Unexpectedly the game was cool. It may not be a very deep, serious, action full RPG game, but it is amusing for sure.

  • Dungeons of Dredmor:

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Released in 2011 and developed by Gaslamp Games, still considered to be one of the best rogue-likes ever. An old classic that will still keep you entertained, you will get seven skills for each character (you get to choose your own) and believe me when I say that the options are always interesting. Like the sparkling Twilight view? That is what you get as vampirism restores your health after you kill the enemies. The sense of humour in the game is also a plus. Now go ahead and start playing and don`t forget to collect your booze, raw gold and ParmigianoReggiano cheese.

  • Anachronox:

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Yeap, we are going back to 2001 when Ion Storm Dallas released one of the most amazing games. An old game doesn`t necessarily mean a boring one. In a few simple words, this game is basically the western Final Fantasy one and that was Tom Hall`s vision (former id software designer). Don`t let the old “block like” characters deceive you, this game has amazing character facial expressions and a really cool sense of humour within its story. So, don`t let its release date be the only reason why you miss playing such a cool game, give it a try and I am sure that will get hooked up instantly.

  • Legend of Grimrock:

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That`s a tribute to the early era of RPGs, hidden riddles to solve, real time combat, hidden switches and much more. This game that is developed by Almost Human and released in 2012 will take you to another world. You think it is easy to move around through the dungeons even with a map? Then think again because you will and things will get even more exciting when a huge spider or a demon is blocking your way.

All in all, I hope we gave you more options for some browser RPGgames to add to your playing list and an overall view on the best browser games.  So, get ready to spend long hours on your PC and forget how the outer world looks like! I hope you are.

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